What is The 90-Minute Movie?

A celebration of short movies, retro plot points, and good storytelling.

See, when I was 13, I used my very first Hotmail address to write passionate reviews of movies and emailed them to all of my friends and family. This was before MySpace, before LiveJournal, before I understood what a blog was. And it was exhilarating. At some point, my little newsletter ceased to exist and I often think about where I'd be now if I stuck with the habit -- so I'm trying again. Twenty years later.

90-minute movies take me back to grade school, UPN Saturday line-ups, sleepovers, and dorm rooms. And in a world with an increasing amount of 3-hour long biopics, we need these short, concise films to move us, change us, and make us laugh— without commitment.

Who reads T90MM?

For lovers of film who ain’t got all day.

Some film school kids lurk around (Hi Frank!) but this is a blog for anyone who loves movies. This isn’t highbrow. These aren’t my graduate school essays. They are accessible, fun pieces that want to understand what makes short movies so great and so powerful. Expect a lot of script dissection, plot reflection, and casting questions.

Who am I?

I’m Amanda. A writer-of-all-trades from across the web and in print as a blogger, poet, screenwriter, editor, and more.

Most notable:
-My screenplay (co-written with my partner, Frank) Harvest won the Horror Category at the Big Apple Film Festival in 2020 and was a runner-up at the Austin Film Festival.

-My debut collection of poetry “Night Bodies” is available on Amazon.

-I worked with Dorothy Carvello to bring her book “Anything for a Hit” to life

Subscribe to The 90-Minute Movie

Reviews, recommendations, and general joy for movies that pack a punch in 90 minutes or less. Throwbacks, newbies, and in between.


Author of poetry books and horror screenplays, lover of movies, reality TV junkie. I believe in rom coms, watching an actor's "worst" film, and enjoying Red Letter Media's "Best of the Worst" with coffee.